EV Charger Installation for Landlords

At Power2EV, we specialize in transforming your properties into personal EV charging havens. Leveraging sophisticated technology from industry leaders like Rolec, we provide landlords and homeowners with bespoke solutions that combine efficiency with aesthetics.

Registered Competent PersonNAPIT ApprovedRegistered Competent PersonRoleC Certified InstallerGivEnergy Certified Installer
  • Personalized Installations

    Understanding that every home is unique, we offer a personalized installation service that harmonizes with your home’s design, ensuring the setup is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

  • Government Grants

    We help you navigate and benefit from the available government grants, facilitating reduced costs and promoting a greener future.

  • After-Installation Support

    Our relationship doesn’t end post-installation. We stand by to offer continuous support, helping you maintain a hassle-free charging experience.

Home EV Charger installation

Why choose Power2EV for your home EV charger installations?

Our team of seasoned professionals is well-versed with the distinct nuances of Rolec's product range, ensuring an installation process that is smooth, efficient, and tailored to your specific requirements.

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